Monday, May 25, 2015

Mark Rothko exhibition in Seoul

Things I liked about the exhibition

1. Finally quenched the thirst to understand why Phillip Duncan created an exclusive space for Rothko at his gallery, the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC. He respected the artist's desire to encourage people to focus on the paintings and create interactions.

2. Visitors were asked to take a seat on the floor to see the painting from bottom to top. Several paintings had immersive color change, which made the viewer to experience a color vibe within the frame. Such a good practice to see the painting by exploring different angles.

Things I didn't like

1. The exhibition put an emphasis on Rothko's influence to Steve Jobs, who were known as the avid fan of minimalism. If he is still alive today, he would be furious. His paintings need spotlights, not Steve Jobs.

2. Spotted a number of people taking pictures. Clearly they came to the exhibition for Instagram updates, not for the dialogue with the artist.

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